Friday, January 16, 2009

City Commission creates as hoc Sustainability Committee

Last Monday night, January 12, at the regular city commission meeting, the board voted 7 to 0 to create an ad hoc committee to move the effort forward to identify and recommend actions along environmentally sustainable lines. This committee will be made up of one city commissioner, one member of each existing committee, board or commission and 5 members from the community "at large".

Persons interested in serving on the committee will need to fill out an application form with Linda Lynch, director of public relations and will in turn be voted on by the city commission to fill the positions. Only 5 members will be chosen in this way but persons wanting to participate should not be discouraged in that this committee will create subcommittees that will pursue several focus areas. This is where the real work will be done and the number of people taking part at this level is almost unlimited.

This committee will prepare a repost to be presented to the city commission no later that the end of the year(2009). This could happen sooner and I hope it does so we will work as fast as we can.

I already have a good size list of persons that are interested or that should be but don't count youself out if you want to be a part of this important activity. My list includes engineers, architects, landscape architects, environmental lawyers, biologists, teachers, preachers, regular folks and so on, so don't be afraid to offer up.

I see this project being one of the most important that the city has undertaken ever and I am excited about the prospects, so come along and join us in making Brentwood an even greater place to live, play and work, forever.

Alex Noble